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It is with incredible joy and expectation in our hearts that we invite you to join us at our next flagship gathering for second chair leaders – Leading Second Camp 2025. 

We created this space for all of us who lead from the middle. If you serve on a church staff or leadership team in any capacity, you’ll find yourself at home in this tribe as we gather to be realigned and refreshed in ministry.

If you’ve been to Camp before, you know this is a powerful time where our tribe comes together. True peers in ministry gathered to seek God and learn from each other. We’ve seen God do a special, realigning work in our hearts at each event. 

In 2025, the Leading Second Camp journey continues…

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Over the past couple of years, there is one question I keep asking myself that I can’t shake… What does a faithful Church look like to Jesus? Taking it a step further, what does faithfulness look like in the eyes of our pastors? What does life and service in the Kingdom of God that hears “Well done, my good and faithful servant” look like?

The apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth in 1 Corinthians 4:2 that “It is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” 

Our deepest prayer for Leading Second Camp in 2025 is that you would go home marked by God with a cry in your heart to be found faithful over the ministry with which you’ve been entrusted. We’re going to give everything we have to equip you to navigate the leadership and team dynamics of leading from the middle. 

You might even go home with a new cell phone number or two of ministry friends to do life with.

Dallas and Calgary we’re coming your way! We hope you’ll make plans now to join us at this vital gathering. 

– Brandon & Lindsay Stewart

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PS – Pro tip – don’t come alone! Leading Second Camp is best experienced as a team!


Leading Second Founders

Brandon & Lindsay Stewart

Brandon & Lindsay founded Leading Second in 2018. Since then, the Leading Second tribe has grown to encompass thousands of leaders representing hundreds of churches in the US, Canada, and beyond.

Brandon & Lindsay fiercely believe in the power and potential of a healthy local church. Believing that healthy teams are essential to thriving churches, they began to pioneer a new community of church leaders built around the heart of servant leadership. Brandon & Lindsay founded Leading Second in 2018. Since then, the Leading Second tribe has grown to encompass thousands of leaders representing hundreds of churches in the US, Canada, and beyond.
Elevation Church

Larry Brey

Larry has served in multiple roles of leadership driving the culture of the ministry and developing the future leaders within the church. Additionally, he’s leading the charge to share the experiences Elevation has learned along the way with the hope of encouraging and equipping other churches and pastors.

Larry and his wife Janet were one of the original eight families that sold their homes, quit their jobs and moved to Charlotte to start Elevation Church in February of 2006. Over the past 15 years the church has seen incredible blessings growing into a worldwide ministry and over 20 physical locations. He’s served in multiple roles of leadership driving the culture of the ministry and developing the future leaders within the church. Additionally, he’s leading the charge to share the experiences Elevation has learned along the way with the hope of encouraging and equipping other churches and pastors.
Arma Courses, Social Dallas

Dr. Manny Arango

Dr. Manny Arango is a preacher, Bible nerd, and storyteller. He’s passionate about fighting for people who have lost their voice and lost their way.

Dr. Manny Arango is a preacher, Bible nerd, and storyteller. He’s passionate about fighting for people who have lost their voice and lost their way.

Each year Manny speaks at more than 50 churches and conferences across the globe. He deeply values Biblical literacy and recently founded a training platform for people who want to understand the Bible for themselves.

He graduated from Southeastern University with his Master’s degree and is currently in a doctoral program at Northern Seminary. Manny has been married to his loving wife Tia since 2014 and after several years of struggling with infertility, they had their first child in July of 2021.

Special Guests

We've invited some additional special guests from our tribe to be a part of these events. Announcements will be coming soon.

We've invited some additional special guests from our tribe to be a part of these events. Announcements will be coming soon.


February 26-27, 2025


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Fall 2025


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Brandon Stewart

See Your Significance


Larry Brey

Hidden Costs


Kevin Gerald

What I Think, Hope, and Wonder for Our Team


Larry Brey

Re-Discover Before You Re-Invent



The Lost Art of Honor


Brandon Stewart



Larry Brey

I Need a Second


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